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Innovative program revitalising Geographe waterways

A report into the first four years of Revitalising Geographe Waterways program was released today in Busselton, detailing the success of the program.

Key achievements detailed in the report included improved water quality in the Toby Inlet and Vasse Estuary channel thanks to increased seawater flushing, and a reduction in nutrients entering waterways through effective fertiliser, dairy effluent and riparian management.

The report also highlighted the impact the development of water management plans has had on the region’s waterways and the successful collaboration featured as a part of the program.

The Revitalising Geographe Waterways program is overseen by the Vasse Taskforce, chaired by Member for the South West Region Dr Sally Talbot, and includes representatives from nine organisations.

“The success of the Revitalising Geographe Waterways program can be attributed to the collaborative partnerships across agencies, industry and the community,” Dr Talbot said.

“The enormous contribution of the community, who remain dedicated to water quality improvement, has been particularly important to this program.”

By using innovative techniques, this program has helped reduce the risk of algal blooms and fish kills in the region’s priority waterways over a relatively short period of time.

“Improving water quality, waterway health and the management of Geographe waterways is an important priority for the McGowan Government,” Dr Talbot said.

“An additional $1.6 million in funding from the McGowan Government for 2020 will help consolidate the success of the program and help lead to further improvements to water quality.

“The task of improving water quality in Geographe waterways is ongoing and I look forward to the next step of the journey to Revitalise Geographe Waterways.”

More than eighty community members attended the launch of the Revitalising Geographe Waterways program (2015-2019) report.

The report is available from

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