Expressions of interest are now open for the latest round of the Geographe catchment soil testing program. The program aims to support farmers to make informed fertiliser decisions to ensure nutrients stay on the farm and out of waterways and estuaries. What’s in it for me? The soil testing program provides incentives for soil testing and...Continue Reading
A project to remove 780 cubic meters of sludge from the Vasse Estuary to help reduce odours for nearby Wonnerup residents has been completed. State Government contributed $320,000 towards sediment removal in the Vasse Estuary near Busselton The project aims to improve livability for residents adjacent to the estuary by removing accumulated ‘black ooze’ sediment...Continue Reading
A sediment removal program is now under way near James Richardson Park, adjacent to the Vasse Estuary. Cook Labor Government provides $320,000 towards sediment removal project in the Vasse Estuary, near Busselton. Removal of sediment to improve liveability for nearby residents A sediment removal program is now under way near James Richardson Park, adjacent to...Continue Reading
Farm trials using clay as a soil amendment are starting to show positive results in improved nutrient retention. Dr Brad Degens, senior soil scientist at the Department of Water and Environmental Regulation said that adding clays to pasture soils can improve water retention and help build organic matter, with potential benefits for reducing nutrient losses...Continue Reading
Farm trials undertaken through Healthy Estuaries WA using the soil amendment Iron Man Gypsum (IMG) are continuing to build confidence in the effectiveness of IMG to improve soil nutrient retention. Results of three trials through the State Government’s Healthy Estuaries WA program have again confirmed that a single top-dress application to pastures can significantly improve retention...Continue Reading
You’d never put oil in your car without checking your dipstick, and the same is true with applying fertiliser on farms. Knowing what’s in your soil before you start applying nutrients is vital. Recently, an enthusiastic group of Geographe farmers learnt the ropes on how take their own farm soil samples as a part of...Continue Reading