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Applying Science

The best available science and knowledge to inform management decisions is fundamental to ensure the future health of Geographe waterways.  Science-based decision making for management is a key principle of Revitalising Geographe Waterways, which is supported by a comprehensive science, monitoring and modelling program (see plan). 

By Applying Science we will enhance our knowledge and understanding of Geographe waterways and catchment and the impacts of poor water quality on the social and ecological values of those waterways. 

The program has also allowed us to test ideas raised by the community to look at options for increasing flows and alternative management of surge barriers and sand bar openings to improve water quality.  Science has been used to evaluate our actions and to inform the development of management plans for the Vasse Wonnerup wetlands, Lower Vasse River and Toby Inlet. 

The Revitalising Geographe Waterways science, monitoring and modelling program is being implemented through a range of projects in collaborative partnerships between state and local government agencies, universities and catchment groups.

Geographe Catchment Science

The science of the Geographe catchment is focusing on monitoring water quality of catchment waterways to monitor long term trends and populate the Geographe catchment model and evaluating the effectiveness of nutrient reduction best management practices. 

Vasse Wonnerup Science

The science of the Vasse Wonnerup wetlands is focusing on improving our understanding of the ecology of the wetlands and impacts of water levels and quality, developing models to assess the potential impacts of altering the current water regime and evaluating management actions to reduce the risk of fish kills and improve water quality. 

Lower Vasse River and Toby Inlet Science

The science of the Lower Vasse River and Toby Inlet is focusing on trials to improve water quality and visual amenity over summer months and developing models to increase flows and/or flushing and improve water quality. 

Keep Watch Seagrass Monitoring

The Geographe Bay “Keep watch” seagrass monitoring program was developed in partnership with Edith Cowan University in 2012.  The aim of the program is to establish a long-term monitoring program to assess the health of seagrasses in Geographe Bay.