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Fertilising for the Future

Over 30 representatives from the Fertiliser industry, state government departments and researchers met in Busselton recently to hear the latest research to improve nutrient use efficiency on grazing farms in south west WA. The event, titled Fertilising for the Future: production, profitability, and the environment, showcased several on-farm fertiliser trials being undertaken across south west...
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Working together to optimise fertiliser use

  Farmer and fertiliser industry meetings were held in Busselton this week to identify ways to optimise fertiliser use and reduce nutrient loss off farms. With over 70% of nutrients entering the Vasse Wonnerup wetlands from fertiliser use from beef and dairy grazing properties, farmers and the fertiliser industry are critical partners to improve water...
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Time to make better fertiliser choices

Farmers from across the Geographe catchment are set to receive expert advice on improving their productivity, and bottom line, by keeping nutrients on the farm and out of waterways. Close to 30 farmers who took part in the Revitalising Geographe Waterways fertiliser management program this year, will receive their soil test results and nutrient mapping...
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